General liability โย Covers legal expenses in case of a lawsuit.
Liquor liability โย Covers legal expenses specifically related to serving alcohol, like drunk driving cases.
Directors and officers insurance (D&O) โย Covers board members and other senior leaders in your organization if they're sued based on decisions they made for your organization.
Commercial property โย Covers buildings and other property, like furniture, in case of natural disaster or further damage.
Flood insurance โย Covers flood damage that isn't covered by standard commercial property insurance.
Commercial auto insurance โย Covers vehicles, like maintenance trucks or courtesy cars, in case of accidents.
Inland marine insurance โย Covers equipment that moves, like golf carts or lawn tractors. May also cover the green or special course features like trees that aren't covered by commercial property insurance.
Workers' compensation โย Covers worker expenses if they are injured on the job.
It's smart to change your coverage over time as your needs change, which an independent insurance agent can help manage. For example, larger courses will need more insurance, especially if you want to host special events like weddings or tournaments.
Liability insurance pays for a lawyer if you're sued and protects your golf course from being on the hook for major legal settlements.
Natural Disasters:
Insurance has you covered if your buildings, equipment, vehicles, or green are damaged in a wildfire, hailstorm, or other natural disaster.
Theft & Vandalism:
As with natural disasters, insurance has you covered if your course targets thieves, vandals, and even rioters.
Car Accidents:
If a company vehicle gets into an accident, your regular car insurance won't cover it, but commercial auto will.
Worker Injuries:
Everything from a golf caddy's sprained ankle to a kitchen worker's nasty burn can be covered under workers' compensation if your employees get hurt. This saves you from needing to pay for costly medical bills and time off work yourself.
Special Events:
Insurance is a must if you dream of hosting weddings, tournaments, or charity fundraisers at your course. Liability insurance shields you from suits over events gone wrong, and commercial property insurance helps you repair fast in an emergency.
In short, there are nearly endless reasons why golf course insurance is a good idea, but only two can make it seem like a bad idea: time and money paid out in premiums. But, ultimately, those are a small price for your golf course's long-term stability and success.
Contact us today to know more about the various options you have when it comes to golf course insurance.